Safety Compass

Child Abuse Prevention Program

Safety Compass helps children and parents prevent child abuse and human trafficking.

We provide education about personal safety and help children and parents develop abuse prevention skills.

Empowerment not fear!

Participants of the Safety Compass program will learn:

Personal space

Body safety

Assertive responsiveness

Healthy and appropriate boundaries

Safe vs. unsafe people/strangers

Home alone safety

How to stay safe if they are lost

Internet and media safety

Our mission is to inform children and parents about ways to prevent child abuse and human trafficking. The prevalence of child abuse and human trafficking continues to affect thousands of families across the United States, and Safety Compass serves to reduce the prevalence through education and skills training. Together, we can create an everlasting change that will improve the lives of children and families for generations to come.

— Dr. Kristina Nelson

To register for the next program, email us at